Well. Big shocker for ANYONE that knows me very well. I am reading. A book. That does not consist of pictures on every page. It’s actually a series of books. Perhaps you’ve heard of it…

Yes I am reading the Hunger Games. About time right? After seeing the movie I fell in love with it. Everyone that I have talked to say that it is an amazing book and I HAVE to read it. Well, everyone, you are so right! I am such a fan on the Hunger Games. Funny thing is that I am not a reader. I guess I just always thought that I had better things to do and really my biggest excuse was that “reading makes me tired”, which is true but I’ve stayed up till wee hours in the night reading this book. I guess I just had to find the right book. I read the first book in 3 days and am now half way through the second book. If anyone has any good books to suggest, I’d like to start another book in a couple weeks when I’m done with the H.G. series.
My Grandpa Snider has been in and out of the emergency room and hospital for the last couple weeks because of problems with his recent hip surgery. It dislocated a total of 3 times, doctors had to go back in and fix some stuff, couple days later discovered that he had a blood clot from his last surgery, had to go back in AGAIN and now he is home with oxygen. We’re hoping and praying that everything heals how it is supposed to this time and that we have no complications.
Brad and Kami’s wedding is getting so close and I can’t wait until Kami is “officially” in the family. She already feels like a sister to me.
I have started my Rosetta Stone! I’ve only done it a couple times but I really like it and I can’t wait until I can start having little conversations with Mike. I mean if that’s even possible because I know that he is wayyy further along than I can ever hope to be.

I decided to try a new hair color, well mostly my wonderful hairstylist decided that it would look good on me. I trust Misty Jones SO much that I just let her do whatever her little heart desires :) haha. I now have a melt and couldn’t be happier with the results! It’s very fun and a girls gotta keep up with the new trends ;) jk. Here’s what it looks like. It’s really dark on the top and then fades into a lighter color on the bottom.

I’m going to school this summer semester, just started on June 4th and already want to be done. Haha. I still work as a vet tech and absolutely love every minute of it!
I just wanted to include a couple cute pictures of other things I’ve been up to.
Mine and Mike’s friend Isaac left for his mission to Sweden (just like Grandpa T) in May
J.R. Finai left to Florida, Spanish speaking in May as well
Seaners :)
Little Carsy
Making my Mini Murph. Wonder what the “M” stands for…
Well that’s it! Thanks for stopping by!Oh wait…you wanna know about Mike? Where to start with him…
He is absolutely LOVING his mission. He is doing really well and seems to be happy and doesn’t seem home sick which I am very happy to hear. I have received a letter from him every week and Dear Eldered him almost everyday. I said back in April or something that I would update you guys on what sort of goodies I get from “The Wall'”. Well me being the slacker that I am have not keep up with my side of the bargain. Here’s some on the clever stuff my Missionary has done/given to me :) I haven’t gone every day because he didn’t get all 730 days worth of stuff up there, which I’m okay with.

“ASH” made out of PVC pipes.

This wasn’t technically on the wall but it’s the first tag done at the MTC. :)

MR. COW!!! So many memories with this cow. I gave it to Mike for his first birthday present as a couple. I’m watching Mr. Cow so he doesn’t get lonely while Mike’s gone.

All of the amazing notes, cartoons, and challenges

Today was the most fantastic day ever! Today Michael has left to the lovely land of POLAND! Oh my gosh! He’s finally out of the MTC and in the real world. His flight left at noon today, I went over to the Raines at 9:30 just waiting for him to call. His parents, Misty, Brian, Cassie, and little Alyssa all waiting anxious for Susan’s phone to ring. Around 11 we hear it…”riiiiiiinnnggg….riiiiiiiiinnnnngggg…” MICHAEL! I had thee biggest smile on my face the whole entire conversation. All I wanted out of that conversation was to hear his voice. We put it on speaker phone and everyone took turns talking to him. He sounded amazing. Still has the same lovable humor that got me to like him in 8th grade. Best thing about the conversation was when he said his famous pick up line to me “Heyyy girrrrl” haha. It really just melted my heart. I know that a lot of couples call each other babe or baby, stuff like that. But not Mike, that’s just not his style. Instead he calls me girl. Doesn’t sound like much but I love it. He also spoke some sweet Polish! Wow! He sounds fantastic! I already had no fear about him not being able to pick up on the language but he just blew my expectations out the door. Did so much better than I expected. We all had tons of laughs and that was probably the best phone call ever. Great news though! Michael has an 8 hour layover in England and said he would call everyone individually. I can’t even sleep I’m so excited! So anytime from 1 a.m to 8 a.m. I am hopefully expecting a call from my missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Every time I think about getting to take to him makes me wanna cry. 2 months without hearing his voice is just torture. I’m so desperate that I have kept some of his voicemails from forever ago and listen to them when I need to hear his voice. I just want to know that he has arrived to England safely, if I knew what flight he was on I’d probably be stalking him in the sky..haha.
Every one from his district. His companion is Elder Jespersen (red hair)
Gym time! Volleyball. I think it looks really weird to see them in “normal” clothes
Yup! That’s my boy :) Mike had everyone in his district do mug shots so we knew who everyone was
same old Michael..

Mike told me that he took this picture for me
2+14=16 Always and Forever :)
I love my Missionary with all my heart! He’s the most amazing kid I have ever met in my life. I can’t wait for the weeks and months to come when he gets out into the real world of being a missionary. I have faith in Mike and faith in our Savior that everything will work out in the end. I can already tell that he is going to be the best missionary ever.
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