For Valentines Day I didn’t get flowers, candy or jewelry. I didn’t get to hug my boyfriend, be with him or even get to see him. But what I did get was EXACTLY what I needed and was the most perfect gift ever :)
For those of you who don’t know, my amazing boyfriend has created a wall of goodies for me. You can go back to read my old post, The Wall to get a better idea of what it is. Anyways, when I went to 'the wall’ today I found a big paper. I honestly was expecting to go on a little scavenger hunt to find a cute present or something like that. I was kind of disappointment when it was just a plain old piece of paper with words on it. (Yes, I realize now that that was super selfish and ungrateful of me). As a read the paper my heart was filled with so much joy and so much love. This was an amazing letter. How could I not be happy to receive this from Mike? Also attached was a instructions to look on his flash drive and find something special. Here is what I found…
This was honestly like a slap in the face. How could I be disappointed about not getting flowers or material things, I got something 5,000 times better. I got to hear my missionary’s voice. I got to hear him tell me how much I mean to him. This was exactly what I needed.
It’s also super crazy how he made this so long ago but it is perfect for what is going on in my life right now. For the past few weeks I’ve been in a really bad funk. I’ve been down in the dumps and totally not feeling like myself.I tried everything that I could to get out of it but for some reason, I was stuck. After hearing his voice and words of encouragement, I’m back to my old self :) He probably doesn’t even know how much he helped me this past week.
“If it’s not better now, it will be.”
“There’s only one way to go when you’re down, up.”
“Everything is going to be okay.”
I’m lucky to have found my Forever Valentine <3
p.s. I love you