Is this real life? Like seriously…are we really half way done with Mike’s mission? How is that even possible? It seems like just yesterday I was standing in Michael’s driveway waving goodbye as he was driving away, on his way to the MTC.

And it seemed like just yesterday that I was crying my eyeballs out…Heartbroken, sad, mascara running down my face, wishing that I could be put in a coma for 2 years.
But one whole year later….
Happy happy happy day!

You may not be able to tell…but I may be just a wee bit excited!
I’m not used to being “single” (if you will). For 3 1/2 years (my whole high school experience and the year before his mission), Mike was by my side. He was there for the ups and the downs that came with life. However bad it seemed to get, he was always there to make it better. Even though I do miss him like crazy, I feel like I needed these two years to be on my own.I now feel like a strong and independent person. I know that I needed to go through daily life without constantly being with my boyfriend and when I wasn’t with him, texting him every minute of everyday. This has been the hardest year of my life but it has also been the most rewarding. I have learned things that I know will help me with my future.I know that Mike and I need to go through these trials to make us better people. Mike deserves the best, and I need this time to make myself a better woman… for him.

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I’ve hugged him…I cannot wait to hug him again

The last picture taken of the two of us.
Miss that boy
1 year 12 months 52 weeks 365 days
59 letters 41 emails 3 packages 1 postcard
1 teddy bear 1 lock of love key
1 jewelry box 2 scarves More tags than I can count
2 leaf flowers 2 shirts
Quite a few knick-knacks 2 bags
One Elder on a Mission & One happy MG :)
Have I really been away from Mike for that long? Sometimes it feels like it’s gone by in the blink of an eye and other times it just feels like it’s been even longer since I’ve been with him. I read from one of my fellow MG’s blog, "do not look at what is left but look at how far you’ve come. Thanks Kota :) I needed to hear that. When I tell people that my missionary has been out 1 year, they look at me and say “You still have a long way to go.” Well yeah…I do. But look how far I’ve come! It’s amazing! :)

Celebrating the downhill “slide” of his mission!!
I decided that in honor of his one year mark that I would take the giant paper off of “the wall”.

This is me saying “WHAAAAT??” in a really surprised voice

He made a giant tag of my name with cute little things written in the circles :)
He’s amazingly adorable

Cardboard Mike

Me and my main man (for one more year)

365 days until Elder Michael Raines returns!!!!

That’s me!
In only one more year I will be reunited with my best friend in the whole entire world! I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to that moment. For now, I will enjoy my time without him but you best believe that when he gets home, we will be inseparable :)
I love my missionary! He makes me smile even though he’s half way around the world.