My adorable little nephew just turned 6 years old! Yes 6! I’m still in shock about it…I still remember the day that he was born…
Sean was the first baby that I got to see grow up. Since I’m the youngest of my family, I never got to experience a child growing up. Let me say, they grow up WAY to fast!
Sean is the smartest little kid with a great memory! Seriously. He’ll remember the most random little things. He brings so much joy into my life. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him. He always knows how to turn my frown upside down. He helps me celebrate each month Mike is gone. And he cannot wait for Mike to get home. He’s already told me a bunch of things that they are going to do together. That just makes me so happy :) Happy that even though Mike is gone, Sean remembers everything about him. I really was worried that he might forget. But no, Mike will forever be apart of our family.
For his birthday today we went to Monsters University! Which I have waited 12 years for! It was awesome :) I loved it! I’m honestly still a kid at heart
I’m officially a college student!
Then it’s off to dinner at La Luna! Yum!
Wasn’t very happy about having that hat on. Haha.
Then to my brothers and bro-in-laws baseball game!
And some delicious ice cream to top off the night!
Birthday boy
Cute Carsey
Love this pic-Carson, Jay, and Tom
Brad and Kami
Momma and me
I hope you had a fantastic birthday Sean! And just think…when you turn 7, Mike will be here celebrating with us! WOOHOO! :D
Aunt Ash and Uncle Mike are so proud of you Sean!