After spending most of the morning with the Raines I headed over to my Grandma’s for some lunch and Christmas fun with my fam!

On November 26, 2012 I received an email from Michael that he just sent to me. This email said, “First of all, I love you. Quick email just for you! Haha. So I sent you my Christmas package! Don’t tell anyone! Lol. Just be sneaky about it. I hope you love your gifts as well :) Sorry it does ruin the surprise a little for you, but I thought you might like it this way more!” I was so excited when he sent me this email! I’m actually pretty good at keeping secrets, especially when they are between Michael and I because he is the one I tell all my secrets to so it worked out perfectly for me. On November 28, 2012 I received the package!!! Oh man! Happy day to me! I have never personally received a package from him. They all usually get sent to him mom so I was ecstatic to get this one! Because I had to go through the package so I could wrap everyone’s presents up, I got to see my Christmas presents a month early. He sent me such amazing things! He’s so amazing and thoughtful <3 I love him to death!
My presents consisted of…
An absolutely gorgeous jewlery box!
I can’t get over how pretty it is
What’s so special about this key you might ask? This is the key to our lock of love! :D The lock he bought came with 2 keys, one of which he threw into the river like you are supposed to and the other he sent to me :) I put it on a necklace and love to wear it as a reminder.
This is the video that Mike made of himself throwing the key in the river
At first I thought that this was just a flower but it’s actually a bunch of leaves in the shape of a flower!
How cool is that!?
A couple of fun trinkets
For some reason he sent me a piece of his favorite tree shirt
A notebook of drawings, tags and notes. And also a little notebook that’s blank inside. I think he sent it to me because it has a shark on it :)
Haha! This one made me laugh :)
He also sent me a secret Christmas picture that he asked if I would put a Christmas border on it and print off for everyone.
This is how it turned out and I think it looks great! My friend edited it for me to make it look all festive for Christmas. Thanks Spencer!
A couple weeks before Christmas I could tell that Mike’s mom was starting to get a little suspicious of me since it had been over a month and she still hadn’t gotten a package. I tried to reassure her that the package had not come to me. On Christmas Eve I went over to their house and gave them all letters that Mike had written to each family member personally along with the secret Christmas picture. I told them that this was the only thing that Mike had me do.
Dang I’m sneaky. Haha.
On Christmas Day I went to Mike’s house with the package and all his families presents wrapped up nicely. As I walked in the door, I explained to everyone of mine and Mike’s sneakiness. Everyone was so surprised!! It was great :) I know that Mike would have loved to see the look on everyone's faces when they opened it. I may have gotten a little in trouble for keeping this secret from Mike’s mom, haha, but it was worth it. It was a great surprise for everyone but the best was yet to come because at 11 a.m. that morning we would be calling the one and only, Elder Michael Christian Raines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333
Every year my whole entire family gets together for lunch and a movie. I love this tradition that we have. We always have such a great time. We went to Chili’s and afterwards everyone went and saw Rise of the Guardians except for Brad, Kami and I. We are basically the only ones without kids or grandkids so we went to see a big kid movie. Haha. We saw Jack Reacher and it was really good! It’s definitely a movie that I know Mike would love to see! Later that night my siblings came over to my house for our gift exchange! Every year we draw names and buy a present for that person.
Matt, Julie, Dawson, and Bob
My sweet niece Scout
Mom, Sean, Jamie and Carson
The Whole Fam
Elese and Ryan
Danny and Corinne
Adam and Mandy
Uncle Bob (by the way-Girls Rule, Boys Drool), Aunt Penny and Amber
Brad and Kami
Dawson and Piper.
Every couple minutes Piper would run around the entire table telling everyone where Santa was in the world because she had an app for it. One time she came up to me and said, “Santa’s almost in POLAND!!” Haha. She had no idea that Mike lived there but it made me laugh!
Kami and I
Sibling Party
Scout got some new books!
Carsey got a game for his Leapster!
Seaners got a Nerf gun!
I got a super cute new purse! And it’s purple, even better!
Brad got a new grey jacket that he is wearing
Kami got a cake stand that doubles as a punch bowl!
Chelsee got a gift card to Bear Escentuals
Carson jumping off Grandma and Grandpas present. Haha.
Jamie got a pair of running pants
Tommy got a set of golf balls. He should be careful when using them because they are engraved saying, “Broken window courtesy of Tommy Bowcutt” HAHAHA!
Last but not least, Matt got a salad spinner
Now it’s time for the Grandkids to get spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa!
She has the most gorgeous eye lashes I’ve ever seen
Love ya Scouters!
Carson taking his new roller skates for a test drive
Sean and his partner in crime Giraffey. He never leaves the house without him.
Such a great Christmas Eve filled with many laughs and good memories. I have the best family!