Purple pants! Thanks Santa!

My 2 girls-Roxy and Sadie

Roxy helped me open up my presents from Santa :) haha

Dorky dog

Sadie loves her new bed!

And she got a little yummy treat!

White Christmas!
Right after getting ready to the day, I headed over to the Raines because Christmas day means a phone call from Mike! I did the smart thing and didn’t put on any make up because I knew that there would be water works at some point. Haha. Once I got to the Raines I gave everyone their presents that came in Mike’s surprise package. Everyone loved their gifts :) Right at 11 a.m. Susan was in the process of dialing the number to call Elder Raines when she had an incoming phone call. She answered it and it happened to be the family that he was spending Christmas with. Apparently Mike was getting super nervous that we had somehow forgotten to call him! Haha. I mean, it was barely 11! Where is that boys patience? ;) Just kidding. Susan then proceeded to call the number and it said that the number couldn’t be completed as dialed. We spent about 10 minutes (precious minutes) just trying to get that stupid number to work. Sadly we couldn’t get it to work! But don’t worry! The wonderful family that Mike was spending Christmas with let Mike use their phone and he called us! Hearing his voice was priceless. He sounds exactly the same! :) That was honestly the best Christmas present that I have ever received :) We talked as a family on speaker phone to him for 47 minutes. Best 47 minutes ever! He spoke some amazing Polish, and told me the sweetest thing ever "We are made for each other”. It was absolutely amazing to hear his voice. The hardest part was saying goodbye to him. I probably haven’t cried that hard since the day that he left. It was a bitter sweet moment. Sadly, we did not get to Skype with him. I’m not sure why a lot of missionaries got to Skype with their family, but I am grateful for what I did have with my missionary. :) I love him with my whole heart <3 

After spending most of the morning with the Raines I headed over to my Grandma’s for some lunch and Christmas fun with my fam!

Cousin love

Playing Sean’s new 3DS

Helping Grandma Great open her present

Me, Brad and Kami

How many hot tamales can you fit into your mouth?

My Aunts, Uncles, Grandma and Parents

My 2 favorite cousins!

The only girl grandchildren

Love this lady!

Aunt Barbara, Grandma, Mom and Aunt Penny

Christmas nap

Chelsee and Scout :)
It was a great Christmas with fantastic memories that I will cherish forever! Thanks for all of those who helped make it so great!
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