Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Wall

Have I mentioned that my boyfriend is amazing? NO?! Well. He is. Let me explain JUST ONE of the many many many reasons why. If you haven't noticed yet, Michael is going on a mission for two years which (if my calculations are correct) is 730 days. That is a long time. Michael is also going to Poland. That is a long ways away. Communication isn't going to be as easy as shooting him a text anymore. Soo...Mike is creating what is known as "The Wall" or "Ashlee's Wall". The wall consists of notes, pictures, drawings, "protectors of the wall", puzzles, advice, activities for me to do, and I assume much much more. This may sound a little confusing, here's a further explanation. Mike is putting all of this stuff on the wall in his room and every day for 2 years I get to go over to his house and take one thing off of "The Wall". Keep in mind, he started this about a month ago and has to create 730 days worth of goodies. I'm guessing that your reaction was something like "Awwww cute" or "WOOOOW". Mine was a mixture of these things with a little crying. But seriously. Wow. This kid just amazes me. He is taking so much time out of his days to do something for me. I can't even explain how much I love him and how much he means to me. There is no other person on this planet that I would want to call my boyfriend/best friend/missionary. And this my friend, is why Michael Christian Raines is amazing.


These are the signs on the outside of his door








The fine print. Doesn’t really show up in the picture but no worries.

Mike made a voice recording :)

He’s a dork but I love him :)

And here is what the wall looks like..IMG_1317




A couple of the protectors of the wall..they’re pretty intimidating.IMG_1323




  1. I love you. I love the "wall." I love my brother and I LOVE this blog. Our family loves you SO much Ashlee, SO MUCH! And we'll be hanging out right here with you while he's off in Poland. Love you!

  2. He IS pretty dang amazing!! Can't wait to see all the things "THE WALL" has in store.

  3. That's a great idea. I hope it helps the time pass quickly.
