You may be thinking, what do these numbers have to do with anything? Well! Today is day 91 and there’s 91 weeks left!!!! Yup! So that means 3 months down, 21 to go! I couldn’t be more excited about that!! :) Yay! So month 3 has been fantastic! Luckily mail does not take very long to get here at all, it only takes about a week. But it seems like it takes a lot longer for my mail to get there,which sucks for Mike. I’ve already received three fantastic letters. Even with him being so focused on his mission he still finds a way to make me feel like the most special girl in the world.

My countdown :) it’s starting to fill up!

Can’t wait until it says “00”
I’ve done lots of stuff this month, which definitely helps time fly. Here’s some pictures :)

My little niece is just adorable. Matt and Chelsee dress her up in thee cutest clothes ever. Today she is now 2 weeks old :)

She loves her headbands!

Zoo time!

Daddy :)



My friend Ashley got married! Congrats girl!

Seaners face haha

Carsey is adorable

Took a random trip to Park City just for fun! And it sure was!

My gorgeous mother

“Jamaica we are a bobsled team” ;)

Brad and Kami bought their first apartment last week. So glad that they are going to live so close! Funny thing that Mike pointed out in his letter is that their initials are “BK like Burger King” :) hahah.

Our fantastic headbands!
Sadly we have only received one picture from Elder Raines since he has been in Poland. But I must say that I have thee most handsome boyfriend ever :)

Elder Siebert and Raines in front of the palace on the water in Lazenki Park.
See isn’t he super handsome?? :)
Ya know, a lot of people have said to me lately that they are really impressed that I have a missionary out because they could never do that, it would be way too hard. The only reply I have to that is, if you love someone then 2 years is nothing. 2 years is a very long ways away but every day that passes just brings me one step closer to him being home. “Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself…How did I get through all of that?” I look forward to asking myself that question but until then I’m enjoying discovering myself. I’ve learned so much about myself and wouldn’t change a minute of it. This is the way my life was supposed to be. These are the trials that I have to go through to make me stronger. So please don’t feel sorry for me, be happy for me! I am happy :) It’s amazing to me to see how far he has come in only 3 months. He’s becoming an amazing young man.
“Separation makes the heart grow founder.” –Elder Raines