Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Elder Raines is finally in Poland!!!! He safely landed in Poland on June 19th. It’s crazy to think that he is 5427 miles away from me. I mean right now it is 12:41 a.m. in Utah but in Poland it is 8:41 a.m. I’m going to bed and he’s just starting his day! But all is well, as Mike would say. The morning of the 19th I received a phone call from my missionary and I’d have to say that it was the best phone call ever, as well as one of the toughest. It was fantastic to hear his voice and get to talk to him by myself but it made me miss him more than I ever had since he left. Now I know why missionaries only call their families 2 times a year. I’m glad to report that he still has his humor! Haha. That kid..<3 We have received 2 emails from his and I got a letter on Monday! Bad news is that it’s against the rules to email anyone other than your family. And since he’s been a missionary he weirdly turned into a rule follower ;) Good news is that letters only take one week to get here! YAY!

new missionaries june 2012 025 (Elder Raines!)

Elder Raines getting off the plane. I don’t know if he is making that face from all of the dramamine he took of what! ;)

new missionaries june 2012 036

All the missionaries with President and Sister Nielson


This is his companion Elder Siebert. They are serving in Warsaw! The one place that Michael didn’t want to serve first because it’s like the New York of Poland. Just very crazy but he absolutely loves it now.


And he’s ready to go out and serve!

He lives in one of the nicest apartments in the mission. The Polish is coming along but he says that he always has a “Polish headache”. haha. He’s been teaching lessons in both Polish and English. It doesn’t seem like Mike could be any happier. I mean look at the pictures, he’s all smiles.


Took this picture the other day. I think it looks quite real. But this is cardboard Mike. He will be attending my family get together and joining in on the fun! #Coming to a party near you!

It really amazes me at the transformation that I’ve seen him go through in just 2 months. I can’t wait to see what 2 years will do to him :) But I guess I’ll have to.

In other news there is a new addition to the family! :) Scout Monroe Snider was born July 3, 2012 at 10:38 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. I’m soooooo sad that I have to wait until December to see the little one! My first niece and I couldn’t be more happy that she is finally here! Congrats Matt and Chels! Love you three!

scout monroe


Oh also here is a little something I made today and that is why I am up so late tonight.

this one is best

I copied this idea from another missionary girlfriend. But I love it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the miles apart map. Cardboard Mike looks pretty real, can't wait for him to come party with us sometime. :)
