I am warning all of you in advance that this post is going to have a LOT of pictures. So yeah.. :) ENJOY!
This post is about my trip to Yellowstone August 22-26. The last time that I’ve been to Yellowstone with my family was 19 years ago while I was still in my mommas tummy. (Although I did come last year with Michael’s family but we basically just drove through with a couple stops here and there). But you can imagine how excited I was for this trip! The only sad part about it was that it was the first family vacation that we would be taking without Bradley. You honestly have no idea how weird it was to not have him in the back seat with me fighting over who gets to lay on the middle section of the seat. I really did miss him and Kami also but they were enjoying their honeymoon.
This is what I left on the fridge at our house for when B&K got home :) Now that I knew that our food would be safe it was off to the car for the long ride. I drove with my parents while Jamie, Tommy, Sean and Carson drove in their car. I spent the whole ride listening to my I-Pod and taking naps.
*Wednesday-Our first stop on our way to Yellowstone was Mesa Falls. It had such a beautiful waterfall!
Me and my parentals
Mom and Pop
The whole gang at Lower Mesa Falls
The awesome waterfall
I’m a moose!
Seaners the moose
Da bear
Love my girls
*Thursday was our first day in Yellowstone and within 5 minutes of being in the park we saw our first bison! This is the day that we basically went to all of the main geysers and hikes. For lunch we had sandwiches and picnicked outside of Old Faithful. We visited the HUGE lake and also a little river where I had fun playing in the sand :)
Carson pointing at the Bison
Me and my Carsey
Our first bison!
At the hot pots, man were they stinky! Or was it Tommy….
Me and my mommy
So funny story behind this picture. Last year I took a picture with Michael at this exact spot! So I wanted to take a picture where we could *insert Mike here* haha.
Our picture from last year :)
My big sissy :)
So tender!
Lunch outside of Old Faithful
Say cheese!
Me at Old Faithful
~No caption needed~
Daddio looking at the mud pots
Grandpa and Sean
Grandma and Seaners
I love this kid
Rock on! With a red tongue from a fruit punch and a pretzel ring nose!
I love Mike :)
Missin’ my Mish
This bison would follow behind all of the others and say “BLEHHUHHAH” haha.
Bison were EVERYWHERE!
Dad and I at another waterfall
My cute parents
This is the reason Yellowstone got it name, because of the “yellow stone” behind us. Also this picture is awesome because in the background there is a black dot which is actually a bird that happened to be flying by
Tom and Jay
The best picture I could get of the 4 because Carsey was starting to get grumpy. Sean was all smiles!
*Friday we decided to rent a pontoon boat and spend the whole day just relaxing and tubing.
Killing time at Quake Lake
This place was SOOOO windy!!!
(I recommend listening to the song by Little Big Town) We boated on Hebgon Lake
Tommy’s the Captain, my dads Skipper and me, well I got voted to be Gilligan…
J and the boys
Who’s the Captain now!? WOOT WOOT!
Everyone took turns on the tube and I mean EVERYONE!
My MOM went with Sean
J and I
“Jumpin' out the back, don't act like you don't want to!”
I drove my dad around on the tube
Carson and Pop
Tommy and I went…
…and he was a mad man!
Carson’s in charge of the flag
Then crashes with Jamie
*Saturday we spent the day in Yellowstone. For those of you who don’t know I have TMJ, so every time I open my mouth my jaw pops. I’ve been going to a jaw specialist and they gave me a mouth piece to wear that helps align my jaw in the right place. I’ve been using it for about 2 months and it seems to be helping. Well Saturday morning I woke up, opened my mouth and my jaw locked on me. It is not a nice feeling. I couldn’t open my mouth so it made for a miserable day.
Beautiful View
We found this awesome tee-pee!
Finally around lunch time my jaw started feeling better and I could actually open it (thank goodness!) To celebrate, I decided to be daring and get a Bison chili cheese dog! It’s so not like me to be brave like that but I figured why not!? I must say it was not half bad!
But what really made my day was the fact that we found a place that actually had cookies n’ cream ice cream! Yay!
Being dorks
And of course Sean has to join in :)
My two favorite little men :)
Kings of the world!
Hiding in the bushes to scare everyone
Yet another waterfall. Man I didn’t realize how many we saw!
Daddy’s little girl
My Bonners
Cause we are sisters!
“I wonder if this water is hot…OUCH! Yep…”
Looking at the hot pots that look like chocolate milk!
The bison had a tree branch stuck to the side of its horn HA!
Antelope crossing the river
*Sunday was sadly our last day :( but we made it a fun one! We made a stop at The Bear and Wolf rescue Center then headed home through Yellowstone Park, the Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole. We got home at probably 11:00 at night. This trip was SO much fun!
Brothers make the best friends!
I won!
Goodbye Cabin!
One cute family!
He looks so relaxed
Cooling off from the heat
Carson was doing this for some reason but I don’t remember why…but I know it was funny
I wanted to steal this!
More waterfalls
Love these people
*Insert Mike* again
The Snider Girls
Goodbye Yellowstone! We’ll miss you!
An arch made out of antlers in Jackson Hole
High Fived a bear. Oh yEah!
So there you go! My fun and exciting trip to Yellowstone with my family. If you got through this whole post then wow, you must either really like me and be interested in my life or you are super bored. Either way Thanks! haha.
Man, such a fun trip!!
ReplyDeleteAsh you look so cute in these pics! Scout and I made it through the whole post does that mean we are awesome?
ReplyDeleteThanks Chels! I'm very impressed you two made it through! Yes it means you are super awesome! haha