Mothers Day as a missionary girlfriend is quite different than any other Mothers Day I’ve ever experienced (Last year Mike couldn’t call because he was in the MTC). I woke up Sunday morning absolutely ecstatic. My heart was beating out of my chest and I had so many butterflies that I felt like my tummy was going to explode. My siblings came over in the morning for breakfast and I honestly only ate 2 bites of it because I was so nervous. I had so many emotions going through my mind that I didn’t even know how to handle myself. My brother-in-law just kept telling me, “Don’t be nervous!” Well that’s a horrible thing to say to a nervous person! Haha. Those couple hours went by so slow but finally the time came when I could head over to Mike’s house!
All of his siblings were there :) We were all so excited to talk to him! We were told that we were supposed to call Mike at 12:30 and the phone call would be 40 minutes long. Sadly his mission isn’t allowed to Skype :( Mike’s mom, Susan, dialed his number around 12:20. We had a couple issues with the phone call again (we had issues with the Christmas phone call) but got it figured out fast. Susan took the phone into another room and talked to Elder Raines for a few minutes. She then passed the phone to Warren. And then when he was done he passed it off to ME! They let me talk to Mike by myself for about 10 minutes! I was on cloud 9! It was so so great to hear his voice and be able to talk to him all on my own. I really miss that. I miss calling him on the way home from work just to tell him about my day. I could have talked to him for hours. Once I was finished with my phone call, we only had 10 more minutes to talk to him as a family. As we talked to him, I remembered why I fell in love with him in the first place…his humor. That’s what made him stand out to me in 8th grade. He has the best laugh ever. I love it! I get so happy when I hear it :) I was watching the clock like a hawk, I watched those ten minutes pass…the time keep ticking…and we were still on the phone with him. What is this madness? (Not that I’m complaining!). That phone call lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes! Best minutes ever! We laughed, I surprisingly didn’t cry! I honestly was just happy. Happy to hear his voice, happy know that he was doing okay, and happy that he was happy :D It was definitely a different experience than the Christmas phone call. I love that boy. More than anything.
This is what I gave Mike’s mom for Mother’s Day :) I need to print one off for myself
Love my Cardboard Mike
Mike recently sent home a package. It had a tie in it that he got for free from Adams Ties in Poland. All of us put it on and took a picture of it. Haha.
It was a great Mother’s Day! That phone call totally rejuvenated me and gave me a boost to keep going until his next phone call! So grateful to his family for including me in, well everything. I love him family. They are amazing and I love every single one of them.
Only 227 days until Christmas!! Psh, but whose counting right?
I love what you gave Susan! That sums it up perfectly.