Today was a pretty fun day! Sadly, my two nephews were not feeling well in the morning so they were quarantined until they felt better. But luckily they felt better by night time for fireworks! But I’m getting ahead of myself.
I hung out with my parents for the 24th. We went to see The Lone Ranger in the morning, which I quite enjoyed! Then it was off to the always delicious CafĂ© Rio for lunch! After our bellies were full, we went to play mini golf at Mulligans! It’s always fun to make the game “interesting”. So we all agreed that the loser would buy the winners either a milkshake or a Jamba Juice. By the end of the game the scores were… 57-56-56. Who was the loser you might ask? The loser by just 1 (ONE) measly little point? Hahahah….yeah…I don’t wanna talk about it…Lol. I was the one who lost by just one point. I totally should have lied on one of the holes. One thing that I’ve learned from Michael’s dad Warren is that, “If you ain’t cheatin, you ain’t trying!" Also, “if you go away hungry it’s your own dang fault!” But that’s a different story. Haha. So, yes, parents of mine, I owe you a milkshake or Jamba Juice.(Hey mom, can I borrow 10 bucks?) After playing golf, we went back to the house and watched Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief since a new one is coming out and I’ve never seen the first one and also because I LOVE Logan Lerman. He was in The Perks of being a Wildflower. Great movie. Actually want to watch it right now…Hmm. Anyways. I didn’t think to take any pictures while I was with my parents but getting back to where I started, it was now time for fireworks at the Bowcutt’s! Here are some pictures!

Cute Curly Carson

Brad wasn’t there to entertain us with his firebugness…so I had to take charge


Lately, this is the most I get out of him when I say, “Say cheese!” Lol.

Tommy helped me too…sorta

All smiles, all the time

Dancing in front of the strobe light

Still dancing

I forgot my fancy camera so I couldn’t get any really cool pictures of the fireworks

Roman candles

Brad and Kami :)

My sister has the best sister :)

Setting up his blanket and…

That’s all folks