Tuesday, October 22, 2013

One Year and Six Months

October 18, 2013

This has been an incredible journey and honestly I cannot believe that it is starting to come to an end. This has been my life for the past year and a half. It has become my "normal". Always wanting something that I can't have, missing his voice, only communicating through letters and email, spending Friday nights alone...well every night really, having something come up and just wanting to tell him about it, feeling like I'm crazy, wondering what he's doing, wishing that I would have done "this or that" before he left, wondering if he still feels the same way, stalking the mailman, starring at pictures and wishing that I could just go back in that moment, wanting just one more hug, one more kiss, counting down the days, weeks and months and celebrating each month but still knowing that I still have more time without him. The list can go on and on but this list is nothing compared to knowing that all of my normal is going to change. No more buying stamps in bulk, sending packages and crossing my fingers that they make it to him, I’ll be able to call him anytime I want, I won’t have to wait months to get an answer to my question, no more dateless Friday nights, no more being a third wheel, no more going into Kohl’s and going straight to the tie section, and no more missing the beans out of him. There are going to be some things that I’m going to miss about having a missionary, like getting letters but the most important thing is that, He’ll be home <3





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