Monday, October 22, 2012

Even the Quietest Prayers are Heard

I just had to do a post about this. As most of you know, my life revolves around my boyfriend/missionary and my dogs. I absolutely love my dogs. I couldn’t live without them.

Puppys 138

This is Sadie when she was just a little puppy

Sadie has always been one of my favorite dogs (Roxy is my other favorite ;) ) We’ve been together since day one and these past 7 years have been great. She’s always been there for me. I know that’s a little weird but seriously, she has always known when something is wrong and snuggles up with me. She’s just the best dog. Well, last night I noticed that Sadie was walking weird. She had her tail between her legs, was dragging her butt and just wasn’t acting like herself. Since I work at a vet clinic I knew what kind of things could be wrong with her. I lifted up her tail and saw what looked like another anal gland abscess (I know that’s gross and I’m sorry but it is what it is). She had one a little over a year ago and that was a horrible experience. Sadly, it was true, she had another one. I made her as comfortable as I could for the night and then took her to my work in the morning. Once at work we placed a catheter and ran blood work. Everything looked great so we put her under anesthesia. After just a couple minutes being under anesthesia I noticed that her color wasn’t the best. She had a monitor on which showed her respiratory  and heart rate. They were both very low. Doc listened to her heart with a stethoscope and her heart was faint. We rushed her over to a table and gave her oxygen. She wasn’t taking any breathes and I had to force them into her lungs. That was seriously the worst.  I was trying my to hardest to keep my cool and to not hysterically break down. I knew that Sadie needed me and she needed me to be able to do whatever Doc needed me to do.  I ran and got “the box” which basically has all the medications for animals that "crash” (stop breathing/no heart rate). Luckily Sadie did have a decent heart rate but respiratory was dangerous low. Having that box sitting next to MY dog was something that I never thought that I’d have to see. As I’m starring at my dog as Doc is giving her breathes I said a small prayer in my head asking Heavenly Father not to take my dog from me. That is when I broke down crying because a feeling of comfort rushed over me and a small voice said to me, she is going to be okay and I knew that everything was going to work out. After that Sadie started breathing on her own. There was nothing better then seeing her chest move up and down. When she was finally stable we finished Sadie’s procedure. I sat next to her as she woke up. Once she was awake, she looked up at me and I hugged her. Happy that she was alive. I was so grateful for the quick thinking of my Doctor and for the power of prayer. I know that prayer doesn’t have to be a completely formal thing where you are down on your knees with your eyes closed and arms folded. It doesn’t have to be super long or detailed. It can be something as simple as “Please don’t take my dog from me”. I love this gospel and don’t know where I’d be without it. It’s never easy, but it’s always worth it.


Right after waking up, doing great :)


Resting at home from a very long day


I love her <3


  1. So sorry you and Sadie had to go through that! Love you Sis!!

  2. Wow I got teary-eyed just reading this! So glad you're both okay :)

  3. Oh Ash scary! I'm glad she is okay! Love you!
