Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy 100th! ♥

I am very pleased to announce that today has been the 100th day that I’ve been away from my sweetheart! I gotta say, I am very happy and proud of myself :) The past 100 days has had it’s ups and downs but I know that the end of everyday just brings me closer to the finish line! FINALLY got to fill in 100th bubble in my countdown. Oh happy day :)


By the way… I love Elder Raines <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

91 and 91

You may be thinking, what do these numbers have to do with anything? Well! Today is day 91 and there’s 91 weeks left!!!! Yup! So that means 3 months down, 21 to go! I couldn’t be more excited about that!! :) Yay! So month 3 has been fantastic! Luckily mail does not take very long to get here at all, it only takes about a week. But it seems like it takes a lot longer for my mail to get there,which sucks for Mike. I’ve already received three fantastic letters. Even with him being so focused on his mission he still finds a way to make me feel like the most special girl in the world.


My countdown :) it’s starting to fill up!


Can’t wait until it says “00”

I’ve done lots of stuff this month, which definitely helps time fly. Here’s some pictures :)


My little niece is just adorable. Matt and Chelsee dress her up in thee cutest clothes ever. Today she is now 2 weeks old :)


She loves her headbands!


Zoo time!


Daddy :)






My friend Ashley got married! Congrats girl!


Seaners face haha


Carsey is adorable


Took a random trip to Park City just for fun! And it sure was!


My gorgeous mother


“Jamaica we are a bobsled team” ;)




Brad and Kami bought their first apartment last week. So glad that they are going to live so close! Funny thing that Mike pointed out in his letter is that their initials are “BK like Burger King” :) hahah.


Our fantastic headbands!

Sadly we have only received one picture from Elder Raines since he has been in Poland. But I must say that I have thee most handsome boyfriend ever :)

July 16, 2012 mike and sieber in front of the palace on the water at lazennkk

Elder Siebert and Raines in front of the palace on the water in Lazenki Park. 

See isn’t he super handsome?? :)

Ya know, a lot of people have said to me lately that they are really impressed that I have a missionary out because they could never do that, it would be way too hard. The only reply I have to that is, if you love someone then 2 years is nothing. 2 years is a very long ways away but every day that passes just brings me one step closer to him being home. “Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself…How did I get through all of that?” I look forward to asking myself that question but until then I’m enjoying discovering myself. I’ve learned so much about myself and wouldn’t change a minute of it. This is the way my life was supposed to be. These are the trials that I have to go through to make me stronger. So please don’t feel sorry for me, be happy for me! I am happy :) It’s amazing to me to see how far he has come in only 3 months. He’s becoming an amazing young man.

“Separation makes the heart grow founder.” –Elder Raines

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

So recently I was at a gathering with friends. I was introduced to this kid…lets call him Jake because that’s his name. Well the conversation came up about me having a missionary out and he turned to me and flat out said “You’re not going to make it.” I seriously had a double take at him because I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I said, “What did you just say?'”. He said that it’s just fact. It doesn’t happen. He got dear johned (to which I wish I would have replied ‘well I see why she did’), ‘so-and-so’ got dear johned and he was honestly just ripping me apart. He knows nothing about me or my relationship with Mike and he still insisted on being the biggest jerk. He kept reminding me about how long two years was and that the 3 years that I had already been with him was a waste. Really? You’re going to say that someone that you don’t even know or have any idea what is going on in their life? I don’t think that I have ever been bullied like that. Yes, Jake, you’re a bully. I couldn’t stand being around this kid and of course you can see why. It’s already hard enough having my other half and best friend half way around the world, you don’t need to make it worse. I’ve never had someone be so negative towards me when they find out that I have a missionary out. But ya know, the thing about me is that if you say I can’t do something, I’m just going to do everything I can to prove you wrong. Wanna know the best part about this? My mom was there as well and I told her everything that had happened with this kid and being the awesome mother that she is, what did she do? She confronted him. Haha. Yep! My mom went up to this kid and said, "Did you tell my daughter that she wouldn't be able to make it with her missionary?" He ashamingly said, "Yes..." My mom told him that it wasn't very nice and told him off for me. Mom, you're the best!!! :) <3

So to all those people who don’t think before letting words come out of their mouth or insist on crushing someone's feelings just so that you feel better, and to all you waiter haters.. Well..let my girl Taylor sing you a little song.

:) thank you for listening to me vent.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Elder Raines is finally in Poland!!!! He safely landed in Poland on June 19th. It’s crazy to think that he is 5427 miles away from me. I mean right now it is 12:41 a.m. in Utah but in Poland it is 8:41 a.m. I’m going to bed and he’s just starting his day! But all is well, as Mike would say. The morning of the 19th I received a phone call from my missionary and I’d have to say that it was the best phone call ever, as well as one of the toughest. It was fantastic to hear his voice and get to talk to him by myself but it made me miss him more than I ever had since he left. Now I know why missionaries only call their families 2 times a year. I’m glad to report that he still has his humor! Haha. That kid..<3 We have received 2 emails from his and I got a letter on Monday! Bad news is that it’s against the rules to email anyone other than your family. And since he’s been a missionary he weirdly turned into a rule follower ;) Good news is that letters only take one week to get here! YAY!

new missionaries june 2012 025 (Elder Raines!)

Elder Raines getting off the plane. I don’t know if he is making that face from all of the dramamine he took of what! ;)

new missionaries june 2012 036

All the missionaries with President and Sister Nielson


This is his companion Elder Siebert. They are serving in Warsaw! The one place that Michael didn’t want to serve first because it’s like the New York of Poland. Just very crazy but he absolutely loves it now.


And he’s ready to go out and serve!

He lives in one of the nicest apartments in the mission. The Polish is coming along but he says that he always has a “Polish headache”. haha. He’s been teaching lessons in both Polish and English. It doesn’t seem like Mike could be any happier. I mean look at the pictures, he’s all smiles.


Took this picture the other day. I think it looks quite real. But this is cardboard Mike. He will be attending my family get together and joining in on the fun! #Coming to a party near you!

It really amazes me at the transformation that I’ve seen him go through in just 2 months. I can’t wait to see what 2 years will do to him :) But I guess I’ll have to.

In other news there is a new addition to the family! :) Scout Monroe Snider was born July 3, 2012 at 10:38 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. I’m soooooo sad that I have to wait until December to see the little one! My first niece and I couldn’t be more happy that she is finally here! Congrats Matt and Chels! Love you three!

scout monroe


Oh also here is a little something I made today and that is why I am up so late tonight.

this one is best

I copied this idea from another missionary girlfriend. But I love it! :)