Saturday, December 15, 2012

Don’t Sweat the Little Things

One thing that Mike has always told me is “Don’t sweat the little things”. It may seem like a big deal at the time but it honestly isn’t. Today was a day that I should have applied that a lot earlier than I did…

Work was just super hectic, busy, stressful and overall was just a horrible day. I was in a very grumpy mood and I just wanted to go home, eat and go to bed. On my way home, I stopped off at the mailbox and found a little letter addressed to me. But surprisingly the letter was not from Mike. The letter was from my little 5 year old nephew. This is what he wrote to me…


It says, “Ash I like to play Mario with you. I love you. Wii. Sean” Haha. I have the cutest nephew in the whole world. This letter changed all that stress I was feeling from the day and just made me grateful to have this little boy in my life. I love Sean with all my heart <3


He also made these snowflakes for me (left) and Mike (right). I ask Sean all the time about Mike so he does not forget about him. I don’t foresee that happening because sometimes we have a conversation that goes like this.

Sean-“When will Mike be home?”

Ash-“About 16 more months bud.”

Sean-Looking at me with the biggest eyes-“That’s FOREEEEEEVERR!!!”

My nephews love Mike and cannot wait for him to come home so he can help them play Mario because Mike can beat ANY level of ANY game ;) Haha.

Dec 2011 2011-12-25 011

Thanks Bonners for making my day and reminding me to smile :) I love you!


  1. Awww so sweet! The little guys make the stresses of life worth it!

    1. Oh I know! I honestly don't know what I would do without those two little boys!
